Laboratory techniques for biologists

The following resources are offered in support of learning and teaching. Please note that some of the activities could be adapted for use in other parts of Advanced Higher Biology and/or other National Qualifications (e.g. Higher Biology, Higher Human Biology). In the sections that follow you will find a series of links to resources and activities – some of these have been produced by SSERC whilst others are from sources which we are happy to endorse/recommend.

Making a microsyringe (SSERC)

How good is your colorimeter?

Protein electrophoresis

Antibody techniques

Immunology (SSERCmeet)

Professor Gary Entrican of the University of Edinburgh and the Moredun Research Institute recently presented a SSERCmeet on the subject of immunology within the new Higher Human Biology curriculum. A recording of the SSERCmeet can be viewed here. In addition a copy of the associated PowerPoint can be accessed here

Counting micro-organisms

We offer two protocols for counting micro-organisms using a haemocytometer as a means of estimating population size and growth.

Student Support Guides