“These Courses are designed to provide students with opportunities for developing their Core Skills and skills and attitudes for employability.
The Course (Lab Science) is designed to equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills which will be required for employment/further study in laboratory science. It will develop an awareness of the wide range of employment options within industry and the service sector, and enable students to gain a range of employability skills which are of particular relevance to laboratory science.
The specific aims of the Course are to:
Unlike many, if not most, National 5 courses, this one is not assessed by means of an end of course exam, but rather it takes a portfolio approach. While this removes some pressures from students (and teachers) it does raise other issues and should not be seen just as an option for someone ‘not good at exams’. Good attendance (by the student) and good organisation (by the teacher) are essential.
SSERC has recently started running courses to support this course, having noted its rapidly growing popularity. And these pages reflect this growing interest.
Given what we do at SSERC, we have focussed on practical work and on Health and Safety. The significant area about Laboraty Science in the workplace is one we feel is outwith our area of expertise.
In the pages below this, you will find information on:
Health and Safety: the Law, Risk assessment, Storage, spillage and disposal of chemicals and some Student Safety Sheets (a more accessible source of information on chemicals hazards for students than our website).
Practical skills: microbiology, radioactivity, titration, weighing and measuring and more
Use of scientific equipment