SCN 3-15a
I have developed my knowledge of the Periodic Table by considering the properties and uses of a variety of elements relative to their positions.
Flame Colours – Some different methods of getting good colours for flame tests.
Hydrogen Balloons – there is not much a chemist likes more than a good explosion and igniting balloons of hydrogen certainly fits the bill.
Sodium (and other alkali metals) in water – Guidance on the safe way to carry out this classic chemistry demonstration.
SCN 3-15b
Having contributed to a variety of practical activities to make and break down compounds, I can describe examples of how the properties of compounds are different from their constituent elements.
Electrolysis of lead bromide – microscale – a small scale version of the classic experiment that does not need to be carried out in a fume cupboard.
Iron-sulphur – microscale – a small scale version of the classic experiment that reduces the production of toxic gases. The iron is reacted with sulphur and the properties of the resulting sulphides are investigated.
SCN 3-16a
I can differentiate between pure substances and mixtures in common use and can select appropriate physical methods for separating mixtures into their components.
Black Magic – Simple paper chromatography of ink.
Flash Chromatography (workshop) – Flash chromatography carried out in a syringe – using talc (or cornflour) – can be used to separate samples of food dyes or plant pigments.
Concrete chemistry (workshop) – A series of activities looking at cement and concrete. (Looking more at impotance and properties of mixtures than their separation)
Food Forensics – An activity using Solid Phase Extraction to take food colourings out of soft drinks and then other forms of chromatography to analyse them.
Shampoo (workshop) – Activity to make shampoo, involving steam distillation to extract natural essences.
TLC of amino acids in Soy Sauce – an investigation into the different amino acids that can be found in different types/brands of soy sauce using thin-layer chromatography.
SCN 3-16b
I have taken part in practical investigations into solubility using different solvents and can apply what I have learned to solve everyday practical problems.
Partition of Iodine – a simple reaction showing the equilibrium resulting from the partition of iodine between water and an organic solvent.