Contributing and external article to a SSERC Bulletin

17 January 2025
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Articles for submission

  • SSERC STEM Bulletin
  • SSERC Early Years and Primary STEM Bulletin
  • SSERC School STEM Technician Bulletin

We are proud of our digital STEM Bulletins, which are published twice per year via the SSERC website.  Recent issues can be located at Bulletins

We have an exciting opportunity for external organisations and our colleagues in education to contribute to our bulletins and further enhance their appeal and diversity of content,

We are keen to explore the opportunity of accepting articles focussing on STEM education and training.  Articles which encourage practical STEM activities will be particularly welcomed.  External articles will be hosted in a separate section of the STEM Bulletin, and SSERC will decide which items to publish based on a careful review of each submission.  This is a free opportunity.  For more information and our terms and conditions for article submission, please contact  and also visit: Submission guidance 


Both of our bulletins are published two times per year, with all six publications being seen by over ¹86500 educators and other professionals across Scotland and the UK (44500 from Scotland and 19000 rest of the UK and 23000 out-with the UK).

¹(figures from SSERC website analytics  1/4/20- 31/3/21)