SSERC Digital Garden Update

07 July 2023
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The growing season got off to a great start, with all learners from the P5 class at Kings Road Primary school getting involved – sowing seeds, planting crops and taking care of the SSERC garden.

The new gloves and trowels were put to good use this year, and we were able to buy 100% peat free compost for the garden – doing our bit to preserve environmentally important peat bogs. We were also able to buy some plastic free pots for our potatoes this year, helping to make the garden more environmentally friendly. The bird feeders in the garden attracted a range of species and the nearby nest box was put to good use by a family of birds. We were also able to collect rainwater in the two waterbutts attached to the greenhouses.

By May 2023 potatoes, broad beans, peas, sweetcorn, tomatoes, cabbages, courgettes, carrots, herbs, strawberries, onions and garlic were all planted out in the SSERC garden. The majority of the plants were grown from seed by the learners. We were able to donate surplus plants to support the school garden at Kings Road Primary. (See images in last update)

During the summer term the weekly visits by the learners, teachers and parent helpers established a great team of gardeners and by mid-June the garden was looking fantastic.

On 13th June we held an end of term celebration – with the garden hosting 47 guests for an afternoon of harvesting and tasting. Learners were able to share their gardening knowledge with guests and there was an interactive display all about pollinators, including microscopes for visitors to take a closer look.  On the menu was potato salad with chives and mint, tomato and basil salad, with bruschetta, followed by strawberries and honey with oat cakes. The event culminated with the learners harvesting of some of the early new potatoes to take back to school and share. (see images right)

Feedback from the learners, teachers and parents has been very positive, with a number of learners even sharing their new gardening skills and enthusiasm with parents and carers back at home.

Areas covered by the activities this year:

  • Biodiversity and interdependence
  • Life processes and living things
  • Sustainability and biodiversity
  • Body systems – senses, exercise and motor skills
  • Food technology – healthy eating
  • Construction technology
  • Communication skills
  • Team-work and resilience