Complete Primary Bulletin 84

Slip, sliding away – soil erosion

Soil is a vital resource, essential to our everyday lives, but its importance is often overlooked. Soils provide nutrients for plants and animals and can also act as a carbon dioxide reservoir. Millions of tonnes of topsoil from farms and forests are eroded by wind and rain each year, causing potential problems for the environment.

Would you like your school to participate in a climate change project?

This is open to ALL schools and any school taking part can also apply to present their project at The PSTT Children’s Conference which will take place at the International Primary Science Education Conference (PSEC) in Edinburgh on Friday 7th June.

SSERC professional learning courses

Our professional development courses range from twilight events, day-courses through to residential meetings lasting up to 6 days in total. Our curriculum coverage spans both primary and secondary sectors and we offer events for teachers as part of their career long professional learning, newly qualified teachers and technicians. Many of our events receive funding from the ENTHUSE awards scheme or the Scottish Government.