We are running an online version of our Health and Safety Update course. This is aimed at science teachers, including subject leaders, and technicians. There will be three online sessions via Microsoft Teams.  You will be able to feed back via a “chat pod”. The course is free, and no special software needs to be installed at your school.

The sessions, which will run from 4 pm to around 5 pm, are as follows:

  • 4th November – Introduction to health and safety law and how it applies to schools.
  • Between this session and the next, participants will examine some school scenarios via True/False statements.
  • 11th November – Discussing scenarios – we will go over the statements mentioned above.
  • 18th November – How to risk assess.

Participants should also spend time navigating the new SSERC website in their own time. Full guidance will be given.

We are planning self-study ‘add-ons’ to this professional learning to cover Immediate Remedial measures and Policy and Auditing. More details will be given during the course.

More than one person from a school can attend, though only one member of staff needs to apply. Everyone who attends all three sessions and who completes the self-study elements will be sent a certificate of attendance.

Dates:  4th, 11th, 18th November 2024

Closing Date: 20th September 2024