Once you have extracted the files you can then drag and drop the graphics into Word or PowerPoint. If you can’t see the graphics as wmf file thumbnails in Windows 7, install this plug-in http://code.google.com/p/emfplugin/. You’ll need to restart your computer for the plug-in to take effect.
Editing files with PowerPoint – If want to tweak the files you have loaded into a PowerPoint page right-click the mouse button over the image then I. You are then asked if you want to convert it to a Microsoft drawing object. Click Yes. You should then be able to pick up the constituent bits of the image. Please note that the text can be picked out as single letter images but cannot be edited as ASCII text.
Note also you may come across some objects which have no apparent function. Try Ctrl-C then Ctrl-V on an object to see what its copy looks like e.g. A colourless fill in the shape of the object. Try adding colour fills now via Home then Shape Fill/Effects.
You should also be able to import these files into the free vector program Inkscape.
Zipped Physics Electrical symbols folders [Complete collection]
4MM end on view of 4 mm banana plugs red black
D15 D connector 15 pin way socket female plug male BBC analogue port
D25 D connector 25 pin way socket female plug male
D37 D connector 37 pin way socket female plug male
D9 D connector 9 pin way socket female plug male serial port
DIN3 DIN connector 3 pin way socket female plug male
DIN4 DIN connector 4 pin way socket female plug male
DIN5180 DIN connector 5 pin way socket female plug male 180 degrees
DIN5240 DIN connector 5 pin way socket female plug male 240 degrees
DIN6 DIN connector 6 pin way socket female plug male
DIN7 DIN connector 7 pin way socket female plug male
DIN8 DIN connector 8 pin way socket female plug male
DINDOMIN DIN domino connector 5 pin way socket female plug male
DINPROFI DIN connector profile plug with wire attached
DINSPEAK DIN speaker loudspeaker connector 2 pin way socket female plug male
IDCS IDC connectors 34 pin 1MHz bus 28 pin printer port 20 pin user port on BBC micro
COMPVIDE composite video socket
ECONETDI Econet socket
RGB video out monitor socket
RS423 serial socket
BNCPLUG BNC plug side view elevation
BNCSOCKT BNC socket front on view
Electrical drawings
13APLUG 13A plug mains power plug
13PLUG4MM 13A plug type to 4 mm connectors plugs WARNING do not plug this into mains
4MMPLUGREP repairing 4 mm banana plugs lost screws soldering on wire
759OPAMP schematic of physical shape of 759 op-amp op amp
7SEGDISP 7 seven segment LED display
BATTENHOLD batton holder for low voltage bulbs screw in type
BREADBOARD circuit construction prototype 1/10th 0.1 inch separation
BULBCELL simple schematic circuit low voltage bulb and 1.5 V cell in holder
CAPACITORS breadboard circuit construction capacitor types
COIL inductor inductance coil
COILLAMP simple schematic circuit magnet induction coil low voltage lamp showing induced EMF
CURRADAP current adaptor for shunts multipliers
ICS breadboard circuit construction integrated circuits ICs 6 8 14 16 18 20 22 pin
JACKPLUG jack plugs mono stereo 0.25 inch side view
LAMPSOCK bayonet lamp fitting
LED breadboard circuit construction LED light emitting diode
METERCEL simple schematic & circuit measurement of voltage using multimeter across 1.5 V cell in holder
METERCUR simple schematic & circuit measurement of current using multimeter 2 1.5 V cells in series with low voltage bulb
METERVOL simple schematic & circuit measurement of voltage using multimeter 2 1.5 V cells in series
MOLEX3WA breadboard circuit construction Molex 3-way connector
RADIANTH radiant heater infra red radiation
RESISTOR breadboard circuit construction resistor types
STRIPBOA stripboard Veroboard prototyping board
TRANNIES breadboard circuit construction 0.1 1/10th inch separation
WEEPOTS breadboard circuit construction small potentiometers pot pots
WIRES breadboard circuit construction wire links bits of loops
1 breadboard circuit construction sample OR gate decision circuit switch logic
2 breadboard circuit construction sample LED dropping resistor 5 V power supply
3 breadboard circuit construction sample 7-segment display 7 segment
BEATS3 oscillator circuit waveforms A B C D E F G H J
CALIBTAC calibrate calibration of a tachogenerator voltage vs frequency
FLASHTRI sound activated flash gun triggering circuit Bulletin 167 smashing light bulbs high speed flash photography
MMPHOTOD circuit diagram of photodiode and receiver amplifier measuring metre stick
MMQCO circuit diagram quartz crystal oscillator and laser diode module measuring metre stick Bulletin 178
OPAMPS operational amplifier circuits op-amps
OSCIL8 simple sine wave oscillator breadboard circuit
OSCILDIA oscillator circuit 741 op amp
RADCOUNT Radcount AEA Technology circuit Transistor buffer to drive TTL Bulletin 166
RADIOREC decoder & filter circuit AM signals interfacing Unilab interface Uniscope carrier signal Bulletin 174
SAWWAVE sine waves used to produce sawtooth waveform
SERVO5 servo motor driver circuit
SIGGENDR signal generator symbol for circuit diagrams
SOUNDWAV sound wave waveform
SQWAVE sine waves used to produce square wave waveform
SUMAMP5 2 input summing amplifier
SUMDIAG3 2 input summing amplifier circuit diagram
THERMCIR thermistor circuits ranges -10 to +30 deg.C & 0 to 20 deg.C environmental applications Bulletin 175
THERMIS1 flying lead connector for thermistor probe Bulletin 175
THERMIS2 stripboard circuit construction sample thermistor circuit
VIBRADET vibration detector circuit
VIBRADTC vibration detector circuit
WAVEFORM fundamental harmonic waveforms
BD4378PNO bi-directional motor driver transistor pin out BD438 BD437 Bulletin 166
DIODECHA bi-directional motor driver Zener diode characteristics
HALFCIRC bi-directional motor driver half circuit
HIVOLTZE high voltage Zener diode characteristics
LM358NPI bi-directional motor driver pin out of LM358N top plan view op amp
PPDARL bi-directional motor driver push pull amplifier using Darlington pairs
PSHPLLBA bi-directional motor driver basic push pull amplifier out put can swing from rail to rail
PSHPllCH bi-directional motor driver push pull amplifier characteristics
PSHPLLZE bi-directional motor driver push pull amplifier characteristics Zener diode
PUSHPULL bi-directional motor driver push pull amplifier
ZENDIChA Zener diode characteristics
CIRCUIT dual rail power supply circuit diagram Bulletin 166
CROSSTAL crosstalk voltage curves
GENCIRCT generalised circuits LT power supply & dual rail
LOADCURV load curves
PINOUTS op-amp dual rail power supply pin out layout of LM78L12ACZ & LM78L12ACZ regulators Bulletin 166
PROTCTDI protection diode
SMOOTHCI effect on voltage curves of rectification & smoothing
STRAINRE stripboard circuit construction strain relief on board
5BITDAC DIY interfacing 5-bit 5 bit DAC digital to analogue converter Bulletin 167
8BITDAC DIY interfacing 8-bit 5 bit DAC digital to analogue converter Bulletin 167
ANALOGD DIY interfacing analogue port D type socket BBC microcomputer computer Bulletin 169
ANINANYS DIY interfacing input circuit for almost any signal to analogue port protecting BBC micro Bulletin 169
ANINOV18 DIY interfacing input circuit for signal over 1.8 V to analogue port protecting BBC micro Bulletin 169
ANPRTP1 DIY interfacing analogue port protection BBC micro Bulletin 169
ANPRTP2 DIY interfacing analogue port protection BBC micro Bulletin 169
ANSMALLI DIY interfacing input circuit for small signals less than 1.8 V to analogue port protecting BBC micro Bulletin 169
CONTRLCI DIY interfacing control circuits for valve warning light motor relay through printer port BBC micro Bulletin 168
DARLUSPO DIY interfacing simple circuit for Darlinton user port buffer BBC micro Bulletin 167
errorsD1 DIY interfacing digital to analogue DAC errors due to resistor values Bulletin 167
errorsD2 DIY interfacing digital to analogue DAC errors due to resistor values Bulletin 167
UsPrtRel DIY interfacing user port operating a relay Bulletin 167
AMMOLULA ultrasound project communication Bulletin 169 amplitude modulation
COMMSSYS ultrasound project communication Bulletin 169 communication system
MODULCIR ultrasound project communication Bulletin 169 modulator circuit
RECCIRCU ultrasound project communication Bulletin 169 receiver circuit
SIGNALS2 ultrasound project communication Bulletin 169 oscilloscope waveform AM
SIGNALTR ultrasound project communication Bulletin 169 received signal & signal on C2
TRANSDUC ultrasound project communication Bulletin 169
Equipment symbols
BALANCE electrical equipment symbols balance
BASS electrical equipment symbols low frequencies
BELL electrical equipment symbols
BRIGHTNE electrical equipment symbols brilliance
CELLPOSI electrical equipment symbols positioning of cell
COLMONIT electrical equipment symbols colour monitor
COLORSAT electrical equipment symbols colour saturation
COLOUR electrical equipment symbols qualifying
COLTVCAM electrical equipment symbols colour television camera TV
CONTRAST electrical equipment symbols light dark
FASTRUN electrical equipment symbols fast run
FOCUS electrical equipment symbols
FOOTSWIT electrical equipment symbols foot switch
HORIZSHI electrical equipment symbols horizontal shift
HUE electrical equipment symbols
INPUT electrical equipment symbols
LAMP bulb
MOVBOTHD move both directions
NORMALR electrical equipment symbol normal run
ONOFF electrical equipment symbols on/off switch push-push push-button
OUTPUT electrical equipment symbol
PAUSE electrical equipment symbol stop temporarily interruption
POWEROFF electrical equipment symbol power off
POWERON electrical equipment symbol power on
RECTIFIE electrical equipment symbol AC/DC converter substitute power supply
REJECTIO electrical equipment symbol
SHAVER electrical equipment symbol socket
STANDBY electrical equipment symbol stand by
STEREO electrical equipment stereophonic symbol 2 channels
STEREOPI electrical equipment symbol stereo pickup for disc records
STOP electrical equipment symbol of action
TAPEERA electrical equipment symbol tape erase from
TAPEMONI electrical equipment symbols tape monitor during after play-back recording
TAPEREAD electrical equipment symbol tape read reading from tape play-back
TAPERECO electrical equipment symbol tape record
TREBLE electrical equipment symbol high frequencies
TUNER electrical equipment symbol radio receiver
TUNING electrical equipment symbol
TVMONITO electrical equipment symbol TV monitor television
TVRECEIV electrical equipment symbol TV receiver television
VARIABLE electrical equipment symbol variability
VERTSHIF electrical equipment symbol vertical shift
VIDEOREC electrical equipment symbol video tape recorder
VOLTDANG electrical equipment symbol voltage danger dangerous
Circuit symbols
AC electric circuit symbol alternating current
BATTERY electric circuit symbol
BPFILTER electric circuit symbol band pass filter band-pass
BRRECTIF electric circuit symbol bridge rectifier
CELL electric circuit symbol
CHASSIS electric circuit symbol
COAXPLUG electric circuit symbol coaxial plug
COAXSOCK electric circuit symbol coaxial socket
CONNECTO electric circuit symbol
CRYSTAL electric circuit symbol quartz oscillator
EARTH electric circuit symbol ground
EQUIPOT electric circuit symbol equipotential
INDUCTCO electric circuit symbol inductor with C-core
INDUCTOR electric circuit symbol
INSTCONN electric circuit symbol connector
LAMP electric circuit symbol
PHOTOCEL electric circuit symbol
STEPPER electric circuit symbol motor
TERMINAL electric circuit symbol
TRANSDUC electric circuit symbol
TRANSFOr electric circuit symbol transformer
BELL electric circuit symbol
BUZZER electric circuit symbol
EARPHONE electric circuit symbol
MICROPHO electric circuit symbol mic mike
SPEAKER electric circuit symbol loudspeaker
ULTRASON electric circuit symbol ultrasonic
Logic gates
AND electric circuit symbol logic
EXOR electric circuit symbol exclusive OR logic
NAND electric circuit symbol not AND logic
NOR electric circuit symbol not OR logic
NOT electric circuit symbol inverter logic
OR electric circuit symbol logic
SCHMITTN electric circuit symbol logic Schmitt inverter
AMMETER electric circuit symbol
CLOCK electric circuit symbol
CRO electric circuit symbol cathode ray oscilloscope
FREQMETE electric circuit symbol frequency meter
GALVO electric circuit symbol galvanometer
GENERATO electric circuit symbol
JOULEMET electric circuit symbol
MOTOR electric circuit symbol
SIGGEN electric circuit symbol signal generator
OHMMETER electric circuit symbol ohmmeter
STEPPMOT electric circuit symbol stepper motor
VOLTMETE electric circuit symbol voltmeter
WATTHMET electric circuit symbol watt hour meter
WATTMET electric circuit symbol watt meter
JACKBOX jackplug to 4 way distribution box circuit diagram
JACKDIST jackplug to 4 way distribution box physical wiring layout
2POLE electric circuit symbol 2 pole jackplug mono
3POLE electric circuit symbol 3 pole jackplug stereo
2POLE electric circuit symbol 2 pole jackplug socket mono
2POLEBC electric circuit symbol 2 pole BC jackplug socket mono break contacts
3POLE electric circuit symbol 3 pole jackplug socket stereo
3POLEBC electric circuit symbol 3 pole BC jackplug socket stereo break contacts
Passives (including fuse, capacitors, resistors, semiconductors, switches & Logic ICs)
SYMBOLS.PASSIVES.FUSE electric circuit symbol
GENERAL electric circuit symbol capacitor
POLARISE electric circuit symbol capacitor polarised
PRESET electric circuit symbol capacitor
VARIABLE electric circuit symbol capacitor
GENERAL electric circuit symbol resistor
HEATER electric circuit symbol resistor
LDR electric circuit symbol resistor light dependent
POT electric circuit symbol resistor potentiometer
PRESET electric circuit symbol resistor
SENSOR electric circuit symbol resistor
VARIABLE electric circuit symbol resistor
1 electric circuit sample stepper motor driver
DIODE electric circuit symbol semiconductor diode
LED electric circuit symbol semiconductor light emitting diode
NFET electric circuit symbol semiconductor field effect transistor N-type FET
NIGFET electric circuit symbol semiconductor field effect transistor N-type IGFET
NPNBJT electric circuit symbol semiconductor NPN transistor bipolar junction
OPAMP electric circuit symbol semiconductor operational amplifier op amp
OPTOISOL electric circuit symbol semiconductor opto-isolator
PFET electric circuit symbol semiconductor field effect transistor FET
PIGFET electric circuit symbol semiconductor field effect transistor FET
PHOTODIO electric circuit symbol semiconductor
PNPBJT electric circuit symbol semiconductor PNP transistor bipolar junction
TUNNELD electric circuit symbol semiconductor tunnel diode
VARACTOR electric circuit symbol semiconductor
ZENERDIO electric circuit symbol semiconductor Zener diode
HEXSCHMI electric circuit symbol logic integrated circuit IC Hex Schmitt inverter
QUADAND electric circuit symbol logic integrated circuit IC quad & gate
QUADOR electric circuit symbol logic integrated circuit IC quad OR gate
BCSPRING electric circuit symbol switch break contact with spring return
BREAKCON electric circuit symbol switch break contact
CHANGEMC electric circuit symbol switch change-over contact break before make
CONNECTO electric circuit symbol connector
MAKECONT electric circuit symbol switch make contact normally open
MCSPRING electric circuit symbol switch make contact with spring return
7413 electric circuit symbol chips pin outs
7414 electric circuit symbol chips pin outs
741OPAMP electric circuit symbol chips pin outs 7410 op amp op-amp
RELAY738 electric circuit symbol chips pin outs 738 relay
STRUCTUR electric circuit symbols chips pin outs 74LS08 74LS14 74LSbo