In this section of the website we present a number of data sets which might be used together with some explanation of how the data have been generated. Links to the raw data sets and the standard protocols used to generate them are provided.
Phosphatases are enzymes found in a wide range of plant and animal tissues and they react with a number of different substrates to release phosphate groups. These phosphate groups then become available for use in a number of reactions including ATP and nucleotide synthesis. Our standard protocol for measuring phosphatase activity can be found via here.
For the phosphatase assay we have the following data sets:
Dopa oxidase is an enzyme which is involved in a number of the reactions in melanin biosynthesis. One such reaction is the oxidation of L-dopa (closely related to the amino acid tyrosine) to dopaquinone (colourless) which then spontaneously converts to dopachrome (orange/red). The enzyme can be found in a wide range of animals, plants and fungi. Our standard protocol for measuring dopa oxidase activity can be found via here.
For the dopa oxidase assay we have the following data sets:
Immobilised algae are commonly used as a tool for investigating limiting factors in photosynthesis. One such experiment which is often undertaken is the measurement of the effect of light intensity on photosynthesis. When carrying out these experiments it is possible to determine the light intensity at which the rate of respiration and the rate of photosynthesis are equal (the compensation point). Our standard protocol for measuring compensation point of algae can be found via here.
For the compensation point experiment we have the following data sets: