
Part 1: – 9th May 2024 (face to face at SSERC)

Part 2: – 12th March 2024 (MS Teams – afternoon online session)

‘Robotical is on a mission to bring learning alive. We design and manufacture Marty the Robot – a walking, dancing, football-playing robot that’s full of character and helps introduce children to the world of coding and robotics in a fun, imaginative and engaging way.’ 

This course will provide an introduction to Marty V2, and how this fantastic resource can be used to enhance engagement in Computing Science principles and concepts across the primary setting. While this PL is targeted primarily at First/Second level, Marty V2 can be used as an unplugged Computing Science resource or with the Marty Jnr. blocks in the early years, and also cover outcomes into Third level and beyond. 

We will encourage hands on practical experience with Marty V2 through a full day, face to face session at SSERC, run by Education Managers from both SSERC and Robotical. During this session we will consider the full scope of Marty V2; from an unplugged resource, through to block based programming via the Marty app. We will look at how we can teach Computing Science concepts using Marty V2, help develop vital skills for life, learning and work, and consider the extensive teaching resources available to support.

There will also be a gap task to complete and a final afternoon live remote session using the Marty V2 resource provided for you to keep via the Enthuse funding (see Cost Tab below).

If you want to find out more, Robotical have produced a white paper and an article around the use of robots in the classroom:

6 Educational Benefits to Using Robots in the Classroom

The Benefits of Using Humanoid Robots in Education

Closing Date: 14th April 2024

Booking for this course is no longer possible as the closing date has passed.