Ocean Winds

The Education Industry Partnership between Ocean Winds and SSERC continued in 2023/2024, building on the success of the first year of the EIP.

With multiple STEM learning and engagement activities taking place across Scotland, young people can gain a greater awareness of the skills required by Ocean Winds for a career in the offshore wind sector.

Key successes include OW funded:

  • STEM Leader Award, SL7, is the development and pilot of a new YSL Award aimed at young people in the senior phase of secondary school.

  • FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge for 8 secondary schools in Moray, including training, robot kits, challenge kits and Regional Final at UHI Moray.

  • EDT Industrial Cadets Bronze registration and Challenger activity days for S1/S2 pupils Fraserburgh Academy, Trinity High School and Royal High School.

  • 34 wind turbine kits for secondary school teachers attending SSERC’s Environmental Science course.

  • Prizes and Sponsorship of TechFest’s STEMNext essay competition for 16-19 year olds.

In addition, STEM engagement involves:

  • 20 active STEM Ambassadors, delivering over 240 volunteering hours of activity this year.

  • 6 OW mentors, supervised 4 Nuffield Research Placement students during Summer 2024.

  • Support for DYW career events.

  • Curriculum support for secondary schools.