STEM Context Planners

STEM Context Planners

These planners have been created in partnership between Head of Early Years and Primary at SSERC, the RAiSE National Education Officer and some of the RAiSE officers. In addition we received input from teachers across a number of local authorities to ensure that these planners were suitable for use across the country. 

These planners give some suggested STEM practical activities for commonly taught STEM contexts across Early, First and Second Levels. These planners are provided as examples and are by no means prescriptive. They are fully editable and downloadable battling the bureaucracy for planning.

Each plan is linked to Experiences and Outcomes, The Sustainable Development Goals and Meta-Skills. 

Simply click on the thumbnails to access a specific planner and STEM curricular links.

If you would be interested in further developing this resource and or have and constructive feedback on the planners then please do contact


Early Level Planners

First Level Planners

Second Level Planners