The SSERC Early Years & Primary STEM bulletins can be accessed below. We have the entire archive of these bulletins here, from when it started in 1994.
As from August 2024, these are now only freely available to SSERC members. If you are from a member organisation, simply log in to access them.
If you are not and want to access them, there are two options:
To tempt you, we have kept a few of our bulletins open for you to look at.
All the other bulletins can be accessed via links in the table below.
NOTE :- When following health & safety or equipment advice you should be aware of when the advice was published. It might be out of date. If in doubt, check with us.
Tinkering - reducing the risks - Find out how to safely engage with tinkering activities: taking devices to pieces. Includes a video guide that highlights the key safety considerations.
Upcoming Professional Learning opportunities - A range of professional learning events and courses open to practitioners in Scotland.
Maths Week Scotland - STEMazing structures talk - A case study showing how STEM Ambassadors could work with learners in your setting.
Primary Science Teaching Awards - Encouraging you to nominate outstanding primary science teachers for this year's awards sponsored by The Primary Science Teaching Trust
Young STEM Leader Week - This year's Young STEM Leader Week will take place on 31st October - 4th November.
Welcome back for the Great Science Share for Schools 2023! - Get involved with the Great Science Share for Schools this session.
Adapting to COVID-19
Microbes for minors
The ASE 2021 Scotland conference
Wellcome Explorify
The STEM Ambassador Programme in Scotland
Becoming a tutor assessor for the Young Stem Leader Programme (YSLP)
YSLP case study: Catherine Milne - P4/5 teacher at Avoch primary school
Cyber resilience and internet safety
Wonderful wriggly worms! (Investigating Earthworms)
Happy retirement Teresa McErlean
Scottish success at STEM Inspiration Awards (2018)
RBS STEM Ambassador Coding club
Recognition for SSERC - GTCS Quality mark)
Levers – First, second and third class,
See the heat with thermochromic sheet
Tricky Decisions in 2099 - A discussion activity about environmental issues.