Come on an adventure with us.

Let your learners experience what it’s like to be a scientist, and how science matters in the world around them.
We’re the Reece Lab from the University of Edinburgh. We study malaria parasites and their mosquito vectors .
Through this SSERC Meet you can will explore:

  • What aspects of their bodies and lifestyle help mosquitoes thrive in the world?
  • How do you know which ones bite and which ones don’t?
  • Why do mosquito bites itch?
  • How do people protect themselves from bites?
  • What important jobs do these creatures do for nature?

Watch our introduction video and find more detailedinformation in our teacher guide at

All activities have been aligned with the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence (CfE).

Sign up for the SSERC Meet, and receive a resource box that contain all you need to participate in the live PL and to run the investigations in your class (included are:-

  • Magnifying glasses
  • Microscopes
  • Laboratory plastics
  • mosquitoes

.............and so much more.

This SSERC Meet will:

  • introduce the science background for all activities
  • allow you to try our hands on activities
  • prepare you to lead activities in your classroom
  • strengthen connections with Reece Lab team.


This SSERC Meet is designed for primary practitioners teaching First and Second Level learners.


This professional learning event is part of a range of STEM professional learning available from the Early Years and Primary Team at SSERC.

You and your colleagues will join us from your own setting for a twilight workshop, as we guide you through the activities online. The activities are designed to promote knowledge and understanding as well as providing great ideas for practical STEM. Help and advice can be sought during this live online event.

Course Leader

The Early Years and Primary Team at SSERC

01383 626070

Please contact us with any enquiries at


This SSERC Meet comes at no cost to your setting.  All we ask is that you and your colleagues attend on the day and complete the register and evaluations, in order that we can improve our professional learning offer. 


SSERC have a long-standing strategic partnership with the Edina Trust. The Edina Trust are currently supporting all open SSERC Meet activity run by the Early Years and Primary team. The support from the Edina Trust has allowed us to increase the number of items in your resource kit. 

Please tag @EdinaTrust in any social media posts to share the impact their support has had on you, your colleagues and learners through practical STEM activities. 

The Edina Trust also support selected Local Authorities on a rolling 3 year programme.  To find out more, please see 


To attend one twilight session delivered through Microsoft Teams.

To complete the register and evaluations.

This is a live, online session on Microsoft Teams. You and your colleagues will join us from your own setting – it is useful for practitioners to take part in the activities together.

A Teams link will be sent in advance to successful applicants, on acceptance of an offer of a place.
