Science Probationers Residential

A 2-day residential course based at SSERC HQ to support probationer teachers in Science to deliver safe, high quality, hands-on practical STEM learning in the classroom/lab.  There will be coverage across a range of science curriculum organisers allowing delegates to develop their skills in and out of their subject specialism.

This programme offers an excellent way of keeping up to date with developments in your subject area.  The residential aspect of the course offers a great networking and peer engagement aspect for delegates, creating opportunities to build new working relationships with other probationer teachers across the range of schools and local authorities in Scotland.

The course is aligned to the GTCS Standards for Full Registration and the National Model for Professional Learning.  The course content explores practical activities to support Education Scotland’s Science Benchmarks.

Course Dates: 15-16 January 2025
Closing Date for Applications: 29 November 2024


Overnight accommodation will be provided at a local hotel.


The course will be held at SSERC in Dunfermline. Our SSERC buildings are at 2 Pitreavie Court, Dunfermline, KY11 8UU. SSERC is a short (5-10 minutes) walk from Rosyth railway station and close to the end of the A823(M) spur off Junction 2 of the M90 motorway. Car journey times (approximately): Edinburgh – 30 min; Glasgow – 60 min; Aberdeen – 2.5 hours; Inverness – 3 hours.

For more information, contact:

01383 626070



On completion of the course, participants will be able to: 

  • demonstrate an enhanced portfolio of ideas for practical work both within and outside their own subject specialism  

  • use a wider variety of teaching strategies to promote learning in science including demonstrations and scientific enquiry  

  • exemplify the importance of contemporary science and its applications in the context of the curriculum   

  • network with fellow professionals and explore mechanisms for ongoing support  

  • understand the range of opportunities within the wider STEM engagement portfolio which SSERC offers 

  • evaluate their own professional learning and its impact on learners 

Day 1:

  • Biological systems – Body systems and cells – SCN3-12a – I have explored the structure and function of organs and organ systems and can relate this to the basic biological processes required to sustain life. 
  • Biological systems – Body systems and cells – SCN4-13b – I have taken part in practical activities which involves the use of enzymes and microorganisms to develop my understanding of their properties and their use in industries. 
  • National 5 Biology – Cell Biology – Key Area 4 Proteins – Enzymes function as biological catalysts. 
  • National 5 Biology – Cell Biology – Key Area 6 Respiration – Fermentation pathway. 
  • Forces, Electricity & Waves – Fourth level Sciences Skills – Scientific analytical thinking skills – Applies scientific thinking skills while working with unfamiliar and complex contexts.
    – Applies and combines knowledge and understanding from different areas of science to solve problems.
  • Forces, Electricity & Waves – Fourth level Sciences Skills – Inquiry and investigative skills – Considers alternative explanations and applies or extends conclusions to new situations and indicates additional studies.
  • Materials– Properties and uses of substances – SCN3-16a – I can differentiate between pure substances and mixtures in common use and can select appropriate physical methods for separating mixtures into their components.
  • Materials – Chemical Changes – SCN3-18a – Having taken part in practical activities to compare the properties of acids and bases, I have demonstrated ways of measuring and adjusting pH and can describe the significance of pH in everyday life.
  • Materials – Chemical Changes – SCN3-19a – Through experimentation, I can identify indicators of chemical reactions having occurred. I can describe ways of controlling the rate of reactions and can relate my findings to the world around me.


Day 2:

  • Planet Earth – Biodiversity and interdependence – SCN3-02a – I have collaborated on investigations into the process of photosynthesis and I can demonstrate my understanding of why plants are vital to sustaining life on Earth.
  • Forces, Electricity & Waves – Forces SCN 2-07a – By investigating how friction, including air resistance, affects motion, I can suggest ways to improve efficiency in moving objects.
  • Forces, Electricity & Waves – Forces SCN 3-07a  – By contributing to investigations of energy loss due to friction, I can suggest ways of improving the efficiency of moving systems.
  • Forces, Electricity & Waves – Forces SCN 3-08a – I have collaborated in investigations into the effects of gravity on objects and I can predict what might happen to their weight in different situations on Earth and in space.
  • Forces, Electricity and Waves – Electricity SCN3-10a – I can help to design simple chemical cells and use them to investigate the factors which affect the voltage produced.
  • Forces, Electricity and Waves – Electricity SCN4-10a – Using experimental evidence, I can place metals in an electrochemical series and can use this information to make predictions about their use in chemical cells.

 Across all the sessions, clear opportunities to develop the Third and Fourth Level Science Skills with learners will be discussed.