A 12-month professional learning (PL) programme that provides leadership opportunities at the whole school level, developing the leadership skills and experiences of participants while seeking to improve the way in which STEM is delivered in their school. Over the course of the programme, participants will receive input across several areas, including National STEM policy, leadership in schools, Health and Safety, carrying out Self-evaluations of their centre and more. Course participants will also complete a Critical Collaborative Professional Enquiry (CCPE) on a subject of their own, with direction and support from external professionals in academia. They will present their findings at a showcase event at the end of the programme to the other cohort delegates. The Leadership in STEM programme is open to all primary and secondary practitioners from the classroom level through to senior management.
Participating practitioners will complete 6 Units over the year:
*Unit 6 comprises a series of short professional learning outcomes, all with a different focus, which will further participants’ knowledge and understanding across a range of areas. A minimum of four courses must be completed with some mandatory for all. These courses can be undertaken at any stage across the duration of the programme. Unit content will be adapted where necessary to reflect the specific needs and context relevant to the delegate’s educational setting. The four-unit course is a blend of online, face-to-face, and independent research and study.
Spanning around 160 hours, the course covers a broad range of professional learning topics. Aligned to the GTCS standards for career-long professional learning and middle leadership means the content and learning is set at SCQF Level 11. The course also carries Professional Recognition Accreditation from GTCS, an award that recognises the enhanced, significant, sustained and reflective enquiry a teacher has undertaken and the development of their professional learning in a particular area.
Some of the activities involved in this course are:
“This course is invaluable for any practitioners interested in leading STEM activities and providing further STEM opportunities in their centre. From exploring the National priorities in STEM to gaining valuable insight into your own leadership qualities, the content is well thought out and relevant, with delivery from excellent external speakers.
As an experienced Principal Teacher, I have benefitted enormously from all aspects of this course and would highly recommend this to anyone, no matter where they are on their Leadership journey”.
Join our online information session on
Wednesday 19th March 2025
16:30 to 17:30 for more details on the course
Alternatively email us with your query using Leadership in STEM as the subject title.
Email enquiries@sserc.scot
Course Dates:
13 May 2025 (online)
12 June 2025 (at SSERC)
10, 24 September 2025 (online)
5, 12 November 2025 (online)
24-25 November 2025 (2-day residential at SSERC)
3, 16 December 2025 (online)
6 February 2026 (at SSERC)
23 June 2026 (at SSERC)
Closing date for applications: 4 April 2025
Cost £880 per person