Annie McRobbie
01383 626070
Overnight accommodation between day 1 and 2 can be provided on a dinner, bed and breakfast basis at a local hotel. Please refer to the cost tab for the residential course fees
The course will be held at SSERC in Dunfermline. Our SSERC buildings are at 2 Pitreavie Court, Dunfermline, KY11 8UU. SSERC is a short (5-10 minutes) walk from Rosyth railway station and close to the end of the A823(M) spur off Junction 2 of the M90 motorway. Car journey times (approximately): Edinburgh – 30 min; Glasgow – 60 min; Aberdeen – 2.5 hours; Inverness – 3 hours.
Subsidised course fee payable to SSERC (Residential, with accommodation) – £190
Subsidised course fee payable to SSERC (Non-Residential, no accommodation) – £80
The total course fee is £490 (Residential) and £380 (Non-Residential) but SSERC are subsidising this course fee to the value of £300
Course Aims
This course aims to support the delivery of Advanced Higher Biology with practical, hands-on experiments that will support investigations and projects at this level.
Course Outcomes
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
Registration is closed.