SSERC is in the process of establishing a secondary education advisory forum that will support the organisation in ensuring that our STEM professional learning offering continues to meet the current and future needs of the teaching profession.

The terms of reference for the advisory forum are:

  • To represent the secondary biology, chemistry, physics, design technology, and computing science communities.
  • To offer advice on areas / approaches that SSERC should consider when planning for future professional development activities.
  • To offer critical insights into SSERC’s current provision.
  • To receive progress reports about the professional development portfolio.
  • Where appropriate, to support and to act as advocates for the work of SSERC with reference to its need to maintain a high national profile for its professional development activities.

The Group will meet up to 3 times per annum (probably once per term). As far as is possible, meetings will be timetabled to take place after the school day has finished. Any papers / reports relating to the meeting will be circulated in advance of the meeting to allow time for fuller discussion at the meetings.

The advisory forum will be limited to 16 members, but we will be looking at ways in which we extend it’s reach to the wider teaching community.

If you think that you might be able to make an effective contribution to this forum, then please contact us at providing a summary of how you  think you could effectively contribute to this group in the context of the terms of reference provided.