SSERC Bulletin 265 complete

Catalase activity in immobilised yeast – effect of inhibitors

Several schools have indicated to us that they are using catalase activity in immobilised yeast as the basis for student investigations at both National 5 and Higher. Teachers and technicians tell us that the simplicity of the experimental system, the low costs involved and the inherent scope for changing a number of variables (principally substrate concentration, temperature and pH) all allow for flexibility.

Proto-Pic board for the BBC micro:bit

In Bulletin 262, we suggested that you could use BBC micro:bits as an aid to teaching potential dividers and switching circuits. We directed you to some programs we had written and showed how you could wire up “choc block” connectors to use the devices with electronic components such as LDRs and LEDs. We had some very interesting, rather contradictory feedback. Some teachers reported that their students loved wiring up the block connectors. Others found the approach too fiddly. If you fall into the latter camp, you may be interested in the Proto-Pic board and accessories.

ASE Annual Conference 2019

Wednesday 9 January – Saturday 12 January at the University of Birmingham. Europe’s Largest Science Education Conference.

SSERC website explained

Most of you will have been aware of the transfer of content that took place over the summer. We are now at a position where most of what was on the old site is now on the new one so this seems like an apposite time for some brief guidance.

SSERC professional learning courses

Our professional development courses range from twilight events, day-courses through to residential meetings lasting up to 6 days in total. Our curriculum coverage spans both primary and secondary sectors and we offer events for teachers as part of their career long professional learning, newly qualified teachers and technicians. Many of our events receive funding from the ENTHUSE awards scheme or the Scottish Government.

Health & Safety

This section contains articles on:

  • Working safely with micro-organisms in Laboratory Science: Practical Skills (National 5)
  • ‘Gauzegate’ – A few weeks ago it was discovered that a few samples of ceramic-centred Bunsen gauzes from two suppliers had come back with a positive test for a very low level of contamination with asbestos. HSE issued advice on what to do, mirrored by ourselves and CLEAPSS.
  • Changes to Radioactivity Legislation